
The configuration is done in the config.yaml file. The sections and subsections are explained below

  • software

    • licenseKey: fill out the license key that you have received from Raskenlund

  • log

    • type: file or stdout

    • level: debug, info, warn, error - the minimum log level

    • maxSize: Only for file - the maximum size (MB) of the log file before rotating

    • maxAge: Only for file - the maximum age (days) of the log file before rotating

    • compress: Only for file - whether rotated log file must be compressed

  • mediaservers

    • type: The media server type. Currently supported antmedia, wowza or kurento

    • hostname: The public-accessible hostname of the server

    • port: The port at which the WHIP must access the server

    • useSsl: Whether the WHIP proxy must use SSL when connecting to the WebRTC service

  • whip

    • path: The path in the URL for WHIP calls

    • iceServers

      • uri: the URI of an ICE server

      • port: the port of the ICE server

      • username: Optional - if the ICE server requires authentication

      • credential: Optional - if the ICE server requires authentication

    • params: Optional - Implementation-specific parameters

      • createPipelineIfNotExist: Only for Kurento, default: true

      • deletePipelineOnDeleteStream: Only for Kurento, default: true

  • webserver

    • port: The port at which the WHIP proxy must be exposed

    • proxy: URL of the proxy if WHxE is accessed through a HTTP proxy

    • ssl

      • certificate: Optional - the SSL certificate

      • key: Optional - the SSL private key