.. _Compatibility: Compatibility with Wowza versions ================================= The module has been tested with Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18. It might be compatible with versions other than mentioned below. +------------------+----------------+ | Module Version | Wowza Version | +==================+================+ | 0.1.0 | 4.8.13 | +------------------+----------------+ | 1.0.0 | 4.8.13 | +------------------+----------------+ | 1.0.2 | 4.8.17,4.8.18 | +------------------+----------------+ | 1.0.3 | 4.8.17,4.8.18 | +------------------+----------------+ | 1.0.4 | 4.8.17,4.8.18 | +------------------+----------------+ Known Issues ------------ When used with JDK 11.0.2 (e.g. Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.18) then a [bug in the JDK](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8220723) can cause the below errors in the logs: .. code-block:: ERROR server comment - Raskenlund License Manager: Error communicating to the server: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated|at com.raskenlund.wse.License.sendRequest(License.java:442)| The current workaround is upgrading the JDK or adding an additional JVM argument ``-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2`` to your ``startup.sh`` script: .. code-block:: %_EXESERVER% %_EXECJAVA% %WMSTUNE_OPTS% %JMXOPTIONS% -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dcom.wowza.wms.runmode="%runmode%" -Dcom.wowza.wms.native.base="win" -Dlog4j.configurationFile="%WMSCONFIG_HOME%/conf/log4j2-config.xml" -Dcom.wowza.wms.ConfigURL="%WMSCONFIG_URL%" -cp %CLASSPATH% com.wowza.wms.bootstrap.Bootstrap start