License migrationΒΆ
If you need to migrate your server to a new host, the license needs to be deactivated on the previous server before you can use it on the new server. This is the error message that you get otherwise:
2022-04-01 16:10:54 CEST comment server ERROR 500 - Raskenlund License Manager: Maximum number of activations have been reached.
Please deactivate the product on the previous server or contact Raskenlund support for help _defaultVHost_
To perform the deactivation, you can use the command line interface of the jar file:
c:\wowza-4.8.17\lib>java -jar wse-raskenlund-captioning-1.0.2.jar
Missing required option: '--license-key=<licenseKey>'
Usage: java -jar wse-raskenlund-license-xxx.jar -l=<licenseKey> [COMMAND]
-l, --license-key=<licenseKey>
The Raskenlund product license key as set in your Application.xml file
deactivate Deactivate the license on this server. This allows activating the
same license on a different server.
verify Check if the specified license key is valid, print out status,
activation and expiration dates
c:\wowza-4.8.17\lib>java -jar wse-raskenlund-captioning-1.0.2.jar -l=W803-0000-0000-0000-0000 deactivate
Connecting to Raskenlund License Server..Raw response: {"result":"success","code":"400","message":"License key deactivated"}
Raskenlund License Manager: Deactivate 803 success SUCCESSFUL_DEACTIVATION (License key deactivated)
W803-0000-0000-0000-0000 deactivated successfully, you can now install it on a different server.